Gemini Horoscope

May 9, 2024… You may appear to be in a real funk to those around you today. No matter how you feel on the inside, Gemini, you could be giving off a grumpy vibe. If those around you tell you that they’re concerned about you looking a little more melancholy than usual today, reassuring them that things are fine in your world could be all that is needed. Talking over any troubles that might be hanging out in some corner of your heart with someone close to you if you are a little low could also help lift your spirits.

Today’s Soul Advice: Let go of any bad feelings you have for who you once were. Seriously. Easier said than done? Not really… Who you used to be and the trials you once withstood are how you became the person you are today. You are better for your mistakes and your past. The frog does not hate the tadpole, nor does the moth despise the larvae. 


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